Praise and Worship

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Praise and Worship


Praise and Worship

‘It is wonderful to see Christians of all denominations coming together and worshipping as the body of Christ’. Jane Parker

In 2008, Jane felt called to start up a ‘Praise and Worship’ evening in the Catholic Church. This is a monthly ecumenical event with Jane leading and singing with local musicians from different churches. There is an opportunity for prayer ministry afterwards. God’s anointing has been experienced with some testimonies of healing.

The music is a selection of old and new worship songs with usually a theme running through the evening. The evening is quite charismatic and uplifting, yet with moments of quiet to listen to the voice of God. 

Jane is an anointed worship leader and is totally committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through words and music. Jane has led worship for days of renewal in Essex, Norwich and Lincoln. She has also written her own worship songs, some of which have been included in the Album featured in this website.

Please contact Jane if you would like her to lead worship or share her songs.